

Polygon is a collective where delivering the „result“ of architectural thinking is not the primary objective, it is a collective where the knoledge is to distill knowledge from within the practice of architecture in order to propel design thinking and innovation.

Polygone is founded by six enthusiastic young people egar to act in space and freely develop and express their ideas. Polygon is a collective for architecture specialized in developing new ideas and concept with a highly flexible methodological approach.

It is formed in Bosnia and Herzegovina but it acts internationaly working on architecture competitions aborad the whole world.

The goal is to combine programmatic requirements, construction and movement studies into an integrated design. Focusing only on competitions enables the exploration of new territories, culture, habits and the adaptation to future challenges.

The team is flexible and open to collaboration with different partnes throught developing different projects. We belive in having this collective sepcialized in competitions and we are trying to develop our new working techniques. We are in constant evaluationg and renewing of our working techniques and are limitsh are pushing more futher and higer up each time.


Our Team

“Enthusiasm is the electricity of life. How do you get it? You act enthusiastic until you make it a habit.”

Jasmin Sirco

Gorica Mehic

Zejd Kobilica

Amila Rujanac

Mersiha Cerim

Ilma Smailbegovic
Augusta Brauna 2, 71 000 Sarajevo, B&H
+387 61 410 562
+387 61 711 677